Thursday, 26 March 2015

Submission 1 Complete

On the right hand side in one of the panels is a section called "Experiment 1". All items for submission are located within each of the subheadings in that section.


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Monday, 16 March 2015

Since my tutor says the previous example looks like a box

 Yes there is meant to be a hole there, the building will be situated on a cliff facing the ocean.
This is mostly based off Le Corbusier's Domino for the top floor.

Life and Style

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

3d Model that might actually go somewhere

Here is a model with a section that might actually go somewhere.

While this design might be a lot different compared to the previous design, it is still based off the same abstract drawing, albeit a lot more simplified.

Life on top of Shift (Rolex on top of Hazam MotorWorks

3d Models that I am about to throw away and restart completely

I still feel that there is something wrong with my model, specifically the ground show room level. I don't know whether the pieces are going to be taken up to the show case room, or if the people just enter the showcase room and then go to the workshop. Depending on this, changes will be made taking into account of Peter Kohane's idea of the "Ritual". (He will be teaching the communications lecture in week 4, he is also the lecturer who teaches Arch1121 (Architectural History and Theory)) The Datum and the floor plan and levels would change accordingly to the ritual of people passing through and as such changes would be made to the sections and elevations of the model.

Life and Shift

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Looks Like I still can't read instructions

Well Since I have already ruled up the pages and I don't want to have designs with varying sizes I am just gonna not follow the instructions given by the lecturer. Well  the tutor has given us a different set of instructions and I'm just follow that. So I can't read, but I can listen.
The following 18 designs are ones that I have decided to redo based on the clients Rolex and Hazan Motorworks. Some of these designs may be repeats of the past ones, while other are brand new, for the final we only need to submit 18 so after all this drawing filling up the 18 pages, I will have 36 to choose from, submitting my best work. Who wouldn't?

Friday, 6 March 2015

Looks like I cannot read instructions

Well rereading the instructions, we were meant to rule up pages 2-19 and then on a page we draw in the first two rows as the top floor, the bottom two rows as the bottom floor and then the middle two rows as the intersecting space. We were also meant to select two clients only. Well I still have more spaces, so even if I have 18 already, I might as well do more to improve them and get better ones for the final submission.